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Monday, October 15, 2007

Radiohead releases new album, ejaculation and economic debates ensue

On Septemeber 30, 2007, music nerds worldwide enjoyed a collective sexual release as Radiohead announced that their new album, In Rainbows, was coming out in only ten days. Even more surprising than the short time span between official announcement and album release, the band chose to not release the album through a record label, but instead released the album as a download on the internet. The price? Whatever you are willing to pay. WHAT THE HELL, MAN? These guys are breaking the laws of economics, because people are actually paying MONEY for something they could get for free. It's probably because Americans don't understand what the British pound symbol and think that it is the British Xanga equivalent of eProps, which, by the way, you can only give away in denominations of two for fear of being seen like a huge jerk.

The album itself sounds a lot like Radiohead. Around the office, people are saying things like:
"The first track seems to have some stuff that sounds like clapping on it!"
"God, the website looks like a fucking acid trip."
"In Rainbows is too cheerful a title for something that sounds like this...or anything else by Radiohead."

Upon the release of the new album, the members of Radiohead have been reported to be "looking somber and/or pensive" while swimming through "surprisingly large piles" of money.

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