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Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Month in the Twitter Life of Courtney Love aka Courtneylover 79

Just Sold Kurty's rights to activizon in xchange for about 10million. Soooooo glad I killed Kurt back in 94.going to blame this all on dave and novy and come off scott free as usual. I had some concrns bout the way kurt looked but i got to pick out all his clothes and supplied the fotos and shit. I know kurt hated having fun and anything lightharted but i think the 10 i got put those thoughts str8 to bed.Grhol and Novy are gonna be so pissed. lol..

8:23 PM Sept 1st from web

Just ordered my new bumpersticker formy Bentley... LOL. It says "I killed Kurt Cobain and All I Got Was This Lousy Bupersticker." Itz funny cuz it'll be on my bentley. lol. Dave Grhol can burn in hell.btw.

4:12 PM Sept 4th from web

played new guitar hero with Kurt n it. had kurt singing som Bon Jovi, who he hated, kind of ... what the word for it.. i dunno.. too much meth in me... fuck wheres the cat... more plastic surgey in the morning... getting a new vaj. cost about 500g's... just ate a whole cake.

11:49 PM Sept 7th from web

@everetttrue you can assrape dave he was always a bad seed and is stillriding the shit while i take bulletsif theres a hell hes not.. invr once rode kurts cotails... unless you count how he wrote all my muzik for me. but i dontcount that.

1:01 AM Sept 9th from web

howcould people blame me for all this! I cnat believe ghrol sold out kurt. I cried for hours last night after i saw kurt performing a bonjovi song in the game. If kurt was alive.. he'd probably kill himself all over again if he saw his imgage singing a jovi song. hewasalwayssosensitiveandsweet. I shouldn't have killed him. :( :( :( :(

3:04 AM Sept 13th from web

withdrew my 10million, had it put into 1dollar bills and spread it around my bed. now i sleep on my bloodmoney. Kurt would be

4:02 PM Sept 14th from web

bonjvoi twittered me asking what the big deal is about kurt singing hissongs in a videogame, told me we all need to get a sense of humor. I told him to ufck off. Bonjovi is the devil and his musix is total shite. noone whow wasnt a ufkcing unct louwd lte kurt sng taht shte.

5:23 AM Sept 16th from web

Stupid Kurt woke me up from my dream about everetttrue assraping Dave Grohl. Kicked Kurt outside fed him his catchow went back to sleep.Dave Ghrohl can burn in hell.

5:51 AM Sept 19th from web

guessimgoing to have to start protecting my tweets. people keep gettingthe wrong idea about me. fucking media, always smearingme.iget blamed for verything.

2:12 PM sept 23rd from web

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ben Gibbard Gets Married, Will Cease Recording Music... Building Up Artistic Cred for Use After Divorce in 5-10

Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service frontman Ben Gibbard married actress/singer Zooey Deschanel (500 Days of Summer, She & Him) in the indie rock wedding of the century on September 19, 2009. The couple announced their engagement last December and married in an intimate ceremony near Seattle. However, their union is bittersweet for Gibbard, who after years of writing songs that are "hopelessly romantic" but "wary of love," may finally have nothing to write about.

"Look at Zooey, she's every hipster guy's dream girl. The bangs and retro dresses, coupled with a genuine talent in multiple artistic fields. There's no way a [Gibbard] could recover from that," said Ryan Adams in an exclusive interview with Rolling Scone. "You can't marry someone that perfect without your art suffering." Adams uniquely qualified to comment on Gibbard's situation, as he married pop princess Mandy Moore earlier this year. Adams often releases multiple albums in one year, but has almost completely stalled since his marriage to Moore.

Some industry insiders are expecting Gibbard to avert a lack of material with a series of vomit-inducing duets in the vein of Mates of State or Jordan and Peter Andre. Others in the industry speculate that the expected musical drought is only temporary. They believe that Gibbard is simply preparing for the future by building up the emotional connection needed to be appropriately devastated in 5-10 years when the relationship ends. A source from his record label, Atlantic Records, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Rolling Scone that he's heard Gibbard talk about someday writing his own Sea Change (Beck's album about the end of his relationship with designer Leigh Limon).

Another unnamed source close to Gibbard agrees. "Ben's had indie girls falling at his feet for years, but waited until he found the queen of them all to settle down. He knows that the higher he sets his expectations, the harder he'll fall when she finally realizes he's a total goon. He knows that this is what has to happen for him to write the emotional indie rock that made him famous. And after the breakup, the cycle will continue."

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama Reaches Across Aisle, Finally Earns Bipartisan Support

Barack Obama's off-the-record candor has finally earned him the bipartisan support that he has sought since becoming the 44th President of the United States. Although he has failed to drum up support across the aisle for his universal health care and economic policies, and his poll numbers have fallen to personal lows, his recent off-the-record comments about Kanye West have finally brought critics over to his side. During downtime in a recent interview, he was caught on camera saying, "He's a jackass," while discussing Kanye's recent interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards. This elicited laughter from the crew filming the interview, although Obama immediately seemed to tense up in the afterwards of the remark. In recent days, he has come to embrace his candid dig at Kanye.

This week, Obama has made the rounds on the late night shows, appearing only to say his new catch phrase, "He's a jackass!" Even his critics have grudgingly offered praise. Conservative stalwarts like Glen Beck said, "Finally, the first real, un-scripted thing that Obama has said. Something we, in both parties, can get behind." Right-wing radio mainstay Rush Limbaugh opined, "Obama is finally backing up his rhetoric about bipartisanship, I think we can all get behind him in calling Kanye West a jackass." MSNBC firebrand Keith Olbermann offered effusive praise for Obama calling him a "revolutionary" and saying that "this criticism is as important as anything Obama has said or done to date. Bravo, Mr. President." A recent Rasmussen Poll has shown a significant 10 point jump in his approval ratings since the footage aired and perhaps, more importantly, that Obama can really reach across the aisle to both parties.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

REVIEW: Muse - The Resistance

Quick Take: Muse ups the classical influences, but still finds room to rock.

Best Track(s): Guiding Light, Resistance

If you’re listening to the new Muse album “The Resistance,” chances are you’re not a regular Pitchfork reader. In fact if you find yourself enjoying skillful instrumental interplay that adorns the early troika of songs (“Uprising”, “Resistance”, “Undisclosed Desires,”) opening the album, you may in fact be one of the increasingly scarce fans of MUSIC. That’s music as in big bold, multi-tracked guitars, bass lines that scamper from the first frets of E to the heights of G, drums that confound the senses, pianos with endless octaves and strings, STRINGS, STRINGS everywhere. You don’t listen to music for introspective lyrics; in fact you probably don’t even listen to the verses. You’re just in it for those fist pumping choruses, full of we(s) and us(s) and resistance(s) and uprising(s) never break us(s). These are the things you crave in your MUSIC, and fortunately for you, Muse is about to tickle your fancy (if that’s your sort of thing read on.)

If you made it past the first 15 seconds of the opener “Uprising” you will probably be absolutely in love the rest of the album… Actually scratch that, if you were able to look at the track listing and a three part orchestral piece called “Exogenesis: Orchestra” didn’t cause you to either a) vomit or b) stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and hum the latest Grizzly Bear album for the next 15 minutes you will probably be absolutely in LOVE with the rest of the album. Muse lives in a black and white world and you’re either with us, or against us.

“The Resistance,” is the fifth studio album from the worlds first and only space-prog-rock-opera-wtf band. If you’re still reading this review, you probably are a Muse fan, otherwise you’d be reading this review on PITCHFORK or ROLLING STONE and you would probably be smirking while reading the slightly derogatory, better than thou review which of course will be giving the album between 2.5 and 3 stars and then flipping (or browsing) to the breaking news that says “omg Pavement is getting back together!...” the 2.5 to 3 stars that is just enough to placate the fans, but not high enough to turn off all the cool kids who hate Muse from thinking that said magazine is losing its edge.

Alright, now that we’ve dispensed with the haters, what’s next? Oh, the music. OK, think of “Black Holes and Revelations,” now blow that up by about 15, ramp up the classical music influences by 10, multiply the insanity of Matt Bellamy by 9.6, end with a three part symphony and ta-da! new Muse. The music itself is impossible to quantify on its own, either you know what Muse sounds like or you don’t. What started as a sort of quasi-Radiohead sound has now fused with Beethoven, Gershwin and Queen and then sautéed with Spinal Tap, these songs go up to 11, (or 12… or 13). Each successive album has increased the intensity, and theatrics. In comparison, "Showbiz" and "Origin of Symmetry" sounds like exhibitions of restraint. Even “Absolution” and “Revelations” had their downtime, a break or two in the insanity and a chance to cleanse your aural palate. No dice here; “The Resistance,” keeps on hitting. It actually can become overwhelming in some places if you try and listen to things individually. In these instances don’t panic, just let the waves of sound pummel you until the song ends.

Uprising begins the album in the album in the usual Muse fashion. A left cross to the face, a synth line that could have been lifted from Nightmare on Elm Street, with a shout along chorus, and a killer bass line. Resistance finds them in their most familiar state of play, a la “Revelations'” Starlight and Invincible. Undisclosed Desires finds them in Depeche Mode territory, with dancing synth lines and a drum machine beat. Guiding Light, the best song on the album builds slowly, with shimmering synths, a killer 3 second guitar solo until it builds up enough emotion for one more breaking chorus. MK Ultra is a driving rock song dressed up with octave jumping synths. The United States of Eurasia, is a song that cannot possibly be described in words, but be prepared for a chorus from an off-Broadway play, a soothing piano solo, echoes of Rush’s 2112 and a instrumental break that sounds like it was lifted from Final Fantasy. As the album progresses the songs get grander, more complicated, culminating in the three part Exogenesis Orchestra. If that wasn’t enough, Bellamy also sings in French.

What binds the songs together throughout the album (besides their extravagance,) is Muse's willingness to sound like nothing else in music, and the incredible dexterity and skill of the three main players. Matthew Bellamy, who handles vocals, guitar and piano may be the most talented triple threat in popular music. He also may be one of the most grandiose and over the top, but he never operates in guitar hero territory, he sticks to indelible production, which adds big shiny lairs of sound to every track. Strings are everywhere, and his guitar takes a backseat to his voice. Bellamy may take most of the credit for the sound but Christopher Wolstenholme’s bass cannot be ignored. Previously it could be heard as the centerpiece for songs like Muscle Museum and Hysteria. For “The Resistance” it occupies a slightly lower place in the mix, but his mix of boogie and drive is still integral to the sound and just sounds awesome on songs like Resistance and MK Ultra. Drummer Dominic Howard tends to get lost in the space opera, but his drumming is the perfect kind of backing for this type of music and propels the music perfectly. He locks in perfectly with Wolsetnholme to add the punishing riffs that bring the band its heavy sound. But when necessary he can provide the funky dance beats (I Belong to You), in the rare time that Muse comes down from their usual dominion in the dark matter.

“The Resistance” is an excellent album from end to end, and although its not quite as revolutionary as “Blackholes and Revelations” or as driving and urgent as “Absolution,” it still represents another step in the evolution the band. It has to be noted that the sound hasn’t strayed too far from the driving bass, neo classical piano and tremolo guitar solo ground work which was laid out on the very first song on their 1999 debut, “Showbiz’s” Sunburn. But while the sound may be technically similar, but “The Resistance” relies on its classical roots over the hard charging rock of their past.

Muse isn’t for everyone, this I fully understand and have accepted. You either like them or you don’t, and the sound isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Because of that I am prepared to offer two completely different ratings: one for the Muse fans, and the other for the assholes that have no idea what good music sounds like and probably listen to Pavement, and are dumb.

(For Muse Fans and Smart Good Looking People): B+
(Pavement and Pitchfork Fans): C-

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West Issues Apology to Taylor Swift After Reading Your Facebook Status

Kanye West, whose stump speech for Beyonce having the best video of the decade came during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video, has decided to issue an apology after reading the harsh responses on Facebook. Kanye West, who has admitted that he spends most of his days trolling Facebook looking for mentions of his name in status updates, was taken aback by the negative comments and status updates that went up by the millions just seconds after his faux pas.

"I'm Kanye West, so I figured that anything I do would be greeted by adoration." Kanye West said in an exclusive interview after the VMA's. "But then I went on Facebook and searched for my name... and I was horrified. Amanda Lynn of San Jose St. University said that 'I was an asshole for interrupting sweet little Swift,' Kyla Anderson wrote that 'I now officially hate Kanye West.' But the most damning of all was Jackie Stouffer of Mt. Union High School's poll on whether or not I was out of line for interrupting Taylor Swift. I couldn't believe it! 90% of the 10 respondents said 'yes'. I haven't had this many negative comments since the fish sticks incident. Therefore I would like to apologize to Taylor, even though she doesn't care about black people."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye West's Faux Pas Leads to Awkward VMA Moment

Breaking News from the MTV VMA's:

Taylor Swift, upon receiving the Best Female Video Award was accosted and groped by a drunk and high Kanye West, who also belittled her by saying that Beyonce's video was one of the best ever, and Taylor shouldn't have won. In addition, he claimed that she "doesn't care about black people"and MTV is a racist network. Kanye West then fell off the stage leaving a stunned Taylor Swift who tried to bring some levity to the proceedings by doing an awkward jig as the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music played over the loud speakers. Rolling Scone Contacted MTV officials, who said only that, "That's Kanye!" and "Oops... he did it again!"

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ball of Flame Shoot Fire Confound and Enrage Us

Pittsburgh indie-rock native sons Ball of Flame Shoot Fire have released their second EP, titled Danny and Rob. The 5-song release, available at, is material they created and recorded this summer while writing for their next full-length album. Danny and Rob is a follow-up to their 2007 EP Grumpy Little Bird and the 2008 LP Jokeland, which earned them comparisons to bands like Animal Collective and Man Man.

But it's definitely not the follow-up I was expecting. Jokeland and Grumpy Little Bird were remarkable masterpieces - hyper-literary, with complicated time signatures and song structures, with banging and yelping and horns and all kinds of magic. As first efforts, they established the band's ability to compose and arrange songs. Danny and Rob is something else entirely.

Danny and Rob appears to be BOFSF's half-baked attempt at using sampling and some new recording techniques. Although they succeed in making five distinct soundscapes, the album is unstructured, virtually lyricless, and a chore to listen to. The first track, "G20 Buzzcut," sounds a bit like Stomp, with bangs, pings, whirring all adding up to a samply, mashed-up mess. "The Joy of Dane Cooking" was created completely from Dane Cook samples. The last song, "Suntan," starts out with a great melody but never builds into anything, falling apart only a few minutes into the 9-minute track. Everything else is pretty unremarkable.

Whatever they are going for is simply overwhelming and inaccessible without BOFSF's typical endearing melodic strangeness to string the ideas together. Danny and Rob was definitely an experiment, but I am disappointed by their decision to make it a BOFSF release rather than some sort of side project. It's hard for bands to drastically change styles on different releases, and I am just not on board with this particular effort - it's an unfortunate addition to their discography. I hope that they get back to their old habits on the next release.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Recent Murders "Thrilling" Gary, Indiana

GARY, Indiana - A blanket of fear has been cast over this industrial Midwestern town as the recent deaths of 6 citizens have led police to believe that an evil force has set up shop in town and is intent on killing again. The killer, nicknamed "The Thriller" has been terrorizing the local residents since the first body was found June 30th.

Police believe that the 6 deaths are the work of a serial killer and have cautioned all residents not to go out of their houses when the midnight hour is close at hand. However, many residents are convinced that the deaths are the work of something far more sinister. Local Occultist Vinny Price believes that "The Thriller" is in fact an evil creature back that has come back from the dead to terrorize the city.

Although no one has gotten a close up of "The Thriller" local Gary, Indiana resident Ola Ray has taken the only known photograph of what seems to be a man or creature in a red jacket.

"It was close to midnight on June 30th," Ola Ray said in an exclusive interview with the RollingScone. "I saw something that almost stopped my heart, this 'thing' seemed to be doing some sort of dance on the street outside of my cul-de-sac. I tried to scream, but terror took the sound before i made it. I started to freeze, this horror looked me right between the eyes. I was paralyzed. Fortunately I was able to snap out of it and get out my iPhone, which is what i used to get this picture. As you can see, this "Thriller" was dressed in red leather and had a very pale face with black jheri-curled hair."

Talking to local Vinny Price, he believes that he has discovered the origins of the "Thriller" in an ancient story that he found in one of his occult books.

Darkness falls across the land/The midnight hour is close at hand/Creatures crawl in search of blood/To terrorize y'alls neighbourhood/And whosoever shall be found/Without the soul for getting down/Must stand and face the hounds of hell/And rot inside a corpses shell/The foulest stench is in the air/The funk of forty thousand years/And grizzly ghouls from every tomb/Are closing in to seal your doom/And though you fight to stay alive/Your body starts to shiver/For no mere mortal can resist/The evil of the Thriller.

The story seems to foretell an evil creature from the depths of hell, what he believes could be a zombie or ghoul like creature. "I'm not sure why the beast seemed to arise on June 30th, nothing I could find in any occult book points to that date as a date of significance. There seems to be no astrological significance either as the moon was in its first quarter and didn't become full until July 7th. The police don't seem to be interested in any of this, but I believe the killings will continue and I don't believe they will ever be able to stop the evil of this 'Thriller.'"