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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Recent Murders "Thrilling" Gary, Indiana

GARY, Indiana - A blanket of fear has been cast over this industrial Midwestern town as the recent deaths of 6 citizens have led police to believe that an evil force has set up shop in town and is intent on killing again. The killer, nicknamed "The Thriller" has been terrorizing the local residents since the first body was found June 30th.

Police believe that the 6 deaths are the work of a serial killer and have cautioned all residents not to go out of their houses when the midnight hour is close at hand. However, many residents are convinced that the deaths are the work of something far more sinister. Local Occultist Vinny Price believes that "The Thriller" is in fact an evil creature back that has come back from the dead to terrorize the city.

Although no one has gotten a close up of "The Thriller" local Gary, Indiana resident Ola Ray has taken the only known photograph of what seems to be a man or creature in a red jacket.

"It was close to midnight on June 30th," Ola Ray said in an exclusive interview with the RollingScone. "I saw something that almost stopped my heart, this 'thing' seemed to be doing some sort of dance on the street outside of my cul-de-sac. I tried to scream, but terror took the sound before i made it. I started to freeze, this horror looked me right between the eyes. I was paralyzed. Fortunately I was able to snap out of it and get out my iPhone, which is what i used to get this picture. As you can see, this "Thriller" was dressed in red leather and had a very pale face with black jheri-curled hair."

Talking to local Vinny Price, he believes that he has discovered the origins of the "Thriller" in an ancient story that he found in one of his occult books.

Darkness falls across the land/The midnight hour is close at hand/Creatures crawl in search of blood/To terrorize y'alls neighbourhood/And whosoever shall be found/Without the soul for getting down/Must stand and face the hounds of hell/And rot inside a corpses shell/The foulest stench is in the air/The funk of forty thousand years/And grizzly ghouls from every tomb/Are closing in to seal your doom/And though you fight to stay alive/Your body starts to shiver/For no mere mortal can resist/The evil of the Thriller.

The story seems to foretell an evil creature from the depths of hell, what he believes could be a zombie or ghoul like creature. "I'm not sure why the beast seemed to arise on June 30th, nothing I could find in any occult book points to that date as a date of significance. There seems to be no astrological significance either as the moon was in its first quarter and didn't become full until July 7th. The police don't seem to be interested in any of this, but I believe the killings will continue and I don't believe they will ever be able to stop the evil of this 'Thriller.'"

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