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Friday, May 15, 2009

This Week's Top Stories!

Rush to go back in time to kill selves in order to grace cover of Rolling Stone, become critical darlings.
Rush, ignored by Rolling Stone Magazine for the past 40 years, has decided to go back in time using Doc Brown's DeLorean in order to kill themselves just after their epic album 2112 in order to earn themselves an opportunity to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. By killing themselves at the height of their artistic output they guarantee at least 4 Rolling Stone covers, a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and inclusions on critics "greatest of" lists.

Scott Stapp escapes from Hell, returns to earth to collect 10,000,000 souls.
Scott Stapp, who was bound by rock and sent to hell by Dave Grohl and Jack Black in 2002, has escaped from his prison at the 12th circle of hell and has returned to the earth in order to collect souls in order to ressurect the "band" Creed and cast the earth back into darkness.

Michigan man puts Fleet Foxes album on Ipod in order to keep up appearances.
Billy Kemp of Lansing Michigan has put the latest self titeld Fleet Foxes album on his Ipod just to keep up the appearance that he listens to new hip music, in order to impress his indie friends if they happen to check his playlist. Nestled between Flava Flav and Flickerstick, Fleet Foxes currently boasts 0 plays. Although Mr. Kemp can't name any of their songs, he says that "just having them on my playlist has impressed three people and possibly gotten me a date for Friday with that cute girl from the local indpendent coffee shop.

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