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Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Re-Re-Re-Return of Rolling Scone?

Recent reminiscing of the Rolling Scone's glory days (found at has inspired a new generation of self-declared music aficionados without comedic or grammatical talents to tell YOU, the people of this fine nation, how to feel about rock, and perhaps, if you are so lucky, even roll. Yes, even roll.

What does this mean for you, dear reader? This means infinitely more music reviews and counter-reviews, music news and olds, and top 3528691648916 whatevers of all time lists than you've seen since 2007. This means that you'll have yet another website to add to your blogroll or RSS feed, for the tech-savvy youths, to waste time while you should be pursuing higher education, expanding your mind, or paying the bills. This means the staff here will be busy making sure that you will have moderate amounts of nearly adequate music-related written content that is unrelated to the debatable genius, or lack thereof, of Stephen Malkmus. Because Pitchfork can go suck it.

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