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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

RollingScone Interview: Kanye West

The RollingScone Interview: Kanye West
presented by the RNC and the New Orleans Tourism Board.

RollingScone: Hello and welcome back to the real interview. Today’s guest is multi-platinum recording artist Kanye West.

Kanye West: ShiiiTTttt SonnnNN, YouUuu CannNNN PriiNNttT whhatttEEVER you WaNNTT, I’MM KanNYee WeSSTtTTt, I DoNN’TT CarrEEE WhaTtT U SssAaayy, I MakkeEE MuussiiCCc ForRrR the MasSSSess, foRRr tHHee PeeeOppLLe. Goooooddd LiiiIIiiIIifffEE!

RollingScone: Uhm alright let’s talk about your latest album, 808’s and Heartbreak, now you really went a different direction with this album, gone are most of your boasts about being the greatest MC alive and instead you seem to get in touch with your emo side, explain how this all came about.

Kanye West: I’mmMmm a TrrUeEE ArTiSTt, I DoN’Ttt NeEeEeDdd YoUuu ComMmenntTinnggG onN WhatTt KinNNdd of SoNG I’mmMMm mmmAking-

RollingScone: Ok, can I stop you for just a second, what the hell is up with your voice. Is that the-

Kanye West: ThaaAAAttss the AuuutttOOO-TuuuuNNNeeeE, fooorrRRR the nEwW AAllbuM Iii WanTTTeddD to GggGGgOooOooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooooOOOOOoooooOoOOoooOooOooOoOoOoOOooooooooooooooooooooo0000000000000oooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOooooOOOOOOOOOOoOoooooooOOOOoooooOOoooOOOoooooOOOoOOoooOooOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO O O OoooooooOOoo Inn a neWW dirrEcCtiOOnnn and ShOwOwoWoOW offFF my innncrEdible VoCCaLLL talleNNNTSSS. JessUUssSS Wallllkksss!

RollingScone: It’s incredibly distracting. I think you’re probably supposed to turn it off when-

Kanye West: biittTchh Iii’Mm Kanye WeSSttTTTT, I’m the GrrreAtttEsttTT RappErrr aliiiIIvvvEEee. attTTT the Enddd offff the DaYyyayyayyayayyyYY I Don’tTTt GiiivEee A F---KKKk if YouuU ThIiinKkk I’MmMM ArrOOoGAanNNtttT, YouUUu CanNNN PuTTTT aLllLL Thiss OnNN Hereeeee, You KOOnNNWw WhyyYYY? I MakKEee MussIIccc for THEeee PeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEople. FlaaaaSShiiNnggg LiiiigGGhhTTSS!

RollingScone: Ok why don’t you just get the hell-

Akon: Convict(Convict…convictconvict…) Akooonnnnnn. Convict (Convict… convictconvict) and Kaaannyyeee Westttt.

RollingScone: What in God’s name is this?

Kanye West: Ittt’sss thEEe MoothherrrrF----n reeeemixxxxXX, Chicaaagooooo raaaAIIIsee Upp!!! ThrroOuughHH the WiiiiIIreEEE.

Akon: Reeemixxxx, Convict (convict… convictconvict). Akonnnnnnn.

Kanye West: (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) Yeah thatttTTsss Righttt, worrrLddSSS grEatesT MC. I canNN turn Shittt to GoldDdd. GeeOOrrGgeee BuuSShhh HAtteeessSS BlAaCkk peOpleee and BlaAcKKK PeppErRR and BlaAAckkboaARRddSS.

RollingScone: Thanks for nothing! Join us again for another thrilling edition of the Rollingscone Interview, brought to you by Fibersol, stay regular with Fibersol.
Next time we have - fresh from the grave - Barry White!

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