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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rough Economy Shutters Kazoo World Magazine; Hits Kazoo Industry Hard

The Kazoo industry, once seen as the unbreakable link in the musical instrument industry, received more bad news as the rough global economy has forced the venerable Kazoo World Magazine, offshoot of the more successful Guitar World Magazine, to shut down its printing presses and close its doors forever. Kazoo World Magazine follows in the footsteps of Kazoo Aficionado, Kazoo Woman's Journal, Kazoo Weekly, Kazoo Bi-Weekly, and Metal Kazoo magazine as the latest casualties of slumping kazoo sales. With these latest closings, only the prestigious 200 year old Kazooist Quarterly remains in the red.

Recent reports show a 75% drop in retail kazoo sales in the past year after years of double digit sales gains. Kazoo makers like Kazoo's Unlimited and Anderson's Kazoo's have recently asked the government for massive billion dollar loans in order to keep their companies afloat and the kazoo assembly lines running at full capacity. Anderson's Kazoo CEO Richard Watkins has said that the company has about 50 million dollars in reserves but at current projections that will only last til the end of May. If both companies fold Watkins estimates that over 200,000 jobs will be lost in America alone and upwards of 400,000 globally.