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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We here at RollingScone think our fans deserve a little something for slogging through all this tripe and so we have decided to rip off the New Yorker and let you, the reader, create your own caption for this hilaaaarious picture above. Send your submissions to so we can mock them without mercy. If yours is chosen you will get nothing, except a byline in the smallest font that we can manage. If no one sends anything (very likely) then our editor Joseph Steigerwald will make his own because chances are he's better at it than you anyway.

Sample Examples:
Beyonce (to Pete Seeger): Oh Mr. Seeger, I really like that "Night Moves" song, and "Turn the Page" is one of my all-time favorites!

Pete Seeger (to and Beyonce): Oh hey, how's the marriage you two. My kids really like that "Crazy in Love" song you guys did.

Bruce Springsteen (to Beyonce): Your Music is bullshit.

Pete Seeger (to and Beyonce): They let you guys run for president? (to himself): What the hell's an inauguration.

Beyonce (to herself): Is this Bono...?

Pete Seeger (to himself): Hopefully someone will mistake me for Willie Nelson and give me a joint.

(Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce Knowles, and at the We Are One concert at the Lincoln Memorial during festivities for the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Photo courtesy Alex Brandon of the Associated Press.)


Claire O'Hanlon said...

these examples were written by joe, not me.

Joe Steigerwald said...

which would explain why they are hilarious.