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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rush Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Fans of the Month Club, Will Get 10% Off their First Visit

BREAKING NEWS!: RollingScone has just learned that seminal Canadian hard rock/prog/other band Rush has finally been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Fans of the Month Club. The band, who ranks fourth behind the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Aerosmith for most consecutive Gold or Platinum albums, has long been a favorite of fans for their instrumental proficiency and eclectic style.

On Monday it was learned that after years and years of snubs, Rush has finally been asked to visit the ranks of rock elite, and the Scone has learned that on Friday, Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee and Neil Peart will walk the hallowed halls in Cleveland, viewing famous props and instruments from actual members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. However, like all other visitors, they will not be allowed to touch anything, and flash photography will be strictly prohibited. For $5 dollars more, the band will be allowed to see an exclusive film depicting the early years of hard rock. Geddy Lee has also been quoted as saying he will be purchasing a Cleveland Rocks! commemorative coin from the gift shop, and "maybe a Sex Pistols T-shirt," (29.99 + tax).

1 comment:

Lucy Stag said...


(Because he's the only one I ever remember the name of anyway.)